
The Romanian studies program at ASU, which began in 1998, is today the largest Romanian letters and cultures program in the United States. As the site of the Honorary Consulate General of Romania in Arizona (2010) and of the first Lectorate of Romanian funded by the Romanian Language Institute in a traditional academic environment (2011), the Romanian studies program is fully engaged in local, state, national and international efforts to strengthen the teaching and learning of Romanian as a core language and a multi-ethnic culture within an increasingly globalized world.

The mission of this program is to provide skills and training in one of the important languages spoken in today's Europe. The program is also committed to providing in-depth cultural and interdisciplinary experience commensurate with Romania's rich history at the crossroads of three empires—Ottoman, Russian and Austro-Hungarian—and as a formerly Communist country. In the Romanian Studies program, you will study areas such as:

  • language diversity
  • rural and urban lifestyles
  • geography
  • history
  • sustainability and sustainable societal strategies for the environment, health, and social programs
  • labor migration and diaspora
  • EU integration, government and political platforms
  • Communism/Stalinism
  • Romanian cuisine
  • music and the arts, folklore
  • cultural norms, traditions and religious practices
  • Romanian film  

Students’ engagement has been diverse, predicated on individual pursuits and innovative engagement. Throughout the years, students from the Romanian Studies Program have been beneficiaries of prestigious scholarships, such as Boren and Fulbright, and have benefitted from inherently interdisciplinary cultural projects tailored to reflect their interests from the Humanities to the Social Sciences and beyond.

Romanian program students have often found careers in:

  • diplomacy and government agencies
  • academic (second language acquisition and applied linguistics)
  • business worlds
  • tourism
  • translation
  • in global health and humanitarian aid agencies
  • and in the business and entertainment industries.

Employers appreciate the value of learning another language. By studying Romanian you gain critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, a deeper understanding of your own language and culture, and an enhancement in the business dialogue with Romanian partners. No matter what other academic interests you might have, studying Romania, the country's language, culture and society, can contribute to your professional advancement.

The Romanian studies program makes for a good combination with other ASU majors and minors.  Our students have paired their Romanian minor with:

  • Political Science
  • Film/media studies
  • Religious Studies
  • European Studies
  • Literature/ English
  • Global Studies
  • History
  • Geography
  • and many others

Adding a minor in Romanian is quick and easy with our advisors.  Declare yours today by contacting our Advising Office.


Romanian (Minor)

Romanian Minor

ASU has built the largest Romanian program in the U.S., and you can be part of it. Study language, politics, culture and religion --- everything that makes Romania a vibrant member of the European Union.

Learn more

Outreach Programs

The Romanian Student Organization is a cultural club representing the Romanian community at ASU. Our newly formed organization is for Romanians and those interested in Romanian culture. To achieve this goal, we organize social and cultural activities: To reunite all the Romanians around campus and keep a strong bond between them, To to promote the values of the Romanian culture at the ASU, and provide an academic and social support group that assists members grow and enjoy their college experience. 

The SILC Attaches Club is a club that brings all languages and cultures from SILC together. People are able to learn about different cultures in a fun way when studying a language. Understanding different cultures is such an important attribute to have, and it is one you can obtain through SILC Attaches. This club creates community events, outreach projects, and plans fun get-togethers.

Annual Performances with Romanian Performers

The National Academy of Film and Theater in Bucharest (UNATC) come to ASU for annual performances. We also host various puppet performances for community childern at Romanian Churches throughout the Valley.

We frequently host cultural community events with guests (writers, academics, performers, diplomats) from Romania, France, and the U.S. (Cultural Institute of New York City- ICR, University of Irvine, UCLA, Washington D.C.). 

Homecoming: Romanian Club participates in Annual events such as homecoming to represent the festival culture with Arizona community!


Study Abroad

Romania and Central Europe

For more than 18 years, the Romanian studies program in ASU’s School of International Letters and Cultures has joined forces with the faculty of Philology at Babes Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and several other Central European universities to offer cultural travel and academic immersion for interested students to study abroad in Eastern and Central European Capitals (Bucharest, Romania; Budapest, Hungary;  Vienna, Austria; Prague, Czech Republic;  Bratislava, Slovakia; Sophia, Bulgaria). Cultural stops involve the Danube, Black Sea Archaeological sites, medieval towns, castles, ruins of ancient Greek and Roman settlements. 

Check out our study abroad trips in SILC.

The ability to speak another language opens up more opportunities for scholarships and fellowships. Take a look at our SILC scholarshipsASU also offers an extensive database for you to search through and find the right ones to apply for. 

In the Study Abroad Office, Shira Burns oversees applications to programs. Study Abroad’s deadlines for applying for all programs are September 25th for the spring and February 15th for the fall. ASU financial aid is accepted for all programs on Study Abroad’s approved list.

Here is a list of a few scholarships specific for language:

Fellowships and Internships



Alumni Stories

Christian Howarth

"In 2006, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Europe. Most of my friends were selecting popular destinations such as Rome, Dublin, or Paris. While their experiences played a memorable role in their life, they all agree my decision of choosing Romania was the best. The journey opened my eyes to the world during a historical time in Romanian history - entrance into the European Union. Romania's economy has nearly doubled since this period. Seeing the beginning of this golden age was one of many unexpected benefits of choosing to study in Romania. From a professional perspective, listing "Romania study abroad" is always a shining light on a resume. The world of global commerce has shifted significantly within the past decade - forcing companies to hire the most adaptable and malleable employees. There have been many occasions where I have shared learnings during my trip to Romania during client meetings, and leadership training sessions. I believe my trip to Romania has played a role in my success today as a regional sales director for a multi-national organization. The Romanian spirit still follows me in my day-to-day life. If you get the chance to go to Romania, then I trust it will also follow you."

Bailey Edgell

"My time in ASU’s Romanian program gave me the opportunity to have a truly unique study abroad experience living in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. During my six-month stay in Cluj, I was fully immersed in Romanian culture, learning the language from my non-English-speaking host, taking classes at Babes-Bolyai University, and traveling around the Romanian countryside to see Romania’s history firsthand. This experience, and specifically my experience with the uncommonly kind Romanian people, taught me a great deal about not only cultural understanding but human understanding, which has paid dividends in my professional career."